[Amps] RF in the Audio
Mitch Cox
ww4cox at embarqmail.com
Sat Sep 24 09:47:40 PDT 2011
Well I see nothing ever changes here. I have been watching this site for years and it seems that the resident Ogre is trying to spread his bitterness yet again this morning. I have watched as the school yard bully, the self proclaimed God's gift to the radio ignorant is still doing his best to discredit anyone who has a new idea that does not go along with his narrow minded 6th grade train of thought. Now it has come to name dropping and using on air discussion to factually prove his condescending opinions about everything offered by anyone. The Ogre here has systematically chased off every single threat to his narrow minded "the world according to me" person who had any hope of sparking a good healthy discussion on this site about anything to do with amplifiers or subjects along the lines. I can remember when my mail box would be full of good information and new ideas for our hobby but now no one offers anyone help for fear that the site Ogre is going to embarrass, discredit or descend upon them and try to make them look small and stupid.
Sometimes a person, or this case Ogre, needs to take a step back and look at what has happened and maybe do a little self check to see if any of the constructive criticism offered to him over the months actually hits home. Could it be that EVERYONE else is wrong and you are the only right in the universe? I am very happy that this is, for the most part, is still a free country in as much as I can express my displeasure and opinion which is shared by a multitude of people who still subscribe to this site simply to see what or who the Ogre will descend on next. No longer is this a happy place that a person can come to with a question or to seek help without someone( see Ogre) making a demoralizing comment, rant or just a downright bully of themselves to further their narcissistic ego to make themselves look good by making you look stupid. For myself I can no longer tolerate the Ogre so as I hit the send button on this, my parting shot, I will also un-subscribe as many of my fellow Hams have done over the years and leave the Ogre to his pleasures of squashing the small minded Ham. All of you will notice one thing when this is posted, when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, or Ogres in this case, only the one who is hit will sing out.
As a side note, Jim your observation of the pin one problem is right on the mark. To anyone who understands or has any experience in this problem will attest, you are absolutely correct in your opinion of this matter. Do not let people who do not understand this problem beat you down. You do not need to convince the Ogre, who by the way, is simply having too much fun trying to make you look like a moron by expounding his ignorance on the subject. Every time he does this to someone he gets a woody and snickers just like Smeadly used to do on Saturday morning cartoons. He is stuck on stupid and unknowingly lets everyone know it each time he tries to become someone. All you are dealing with here is a narcissistic old man who wants to be in the same league as the people he has systematically ran away from this site. It's too late for the Ogre to become an authority figure and he doesn't know enough to ever write a book on any subject other than how to bully and try to make others look moronic so he is very bitter and misery loves company.
It has been real but has not been fun,
----- Original Message -----
From: Carl
To: jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Cc: amps at contesting.com
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] RF in the Audio
I believe it is you who is seriously lacking in much of anything away from
the PC and test equipment.
The average ham doesnt have a clue what is happening at any point along his
OWL much less an appreciation for what QRO and large reactances can do to
ferrite. Neither do you Im afraid.
Neither did Sevick until it was drummed into his head by many during long
160M conversations. At least he finally understood.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] RF in the Audio
> On 9/24/2011 6:31 AM, Carl wrote:
>> What works in a lab doesnt mean its good elsewhere.
> If you think there's a difference between theory and practice, you don't
> know enough about one or the other.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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