[Amps] Who still sells HV Capacitors

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Thu Apr 12 07:48:52 PDT 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Barber" <audioguy at q.com>
Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Who still sells HV Capacitors

> 16uF 5KV NOS from Henry runs around $120 when they have them. I shudder
> to think what "brand new" would cost. Carl must drive pretty nice cars. 
> ;-)
> 73,
> Jim N7CXI

Yes and no but I dont have payments either; my winter beater is a 92 Taurus 

Ive heard of some paying $250-400 to have a new cap made for a typical 
1000-2500W BC TX. I think Dahl used to sell them also.


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