[Amps] Tubes vs. Solid State (was) Expert Amps 2K-FA: Any Opinions ?

W2XJ w2xj at nyc.rr.com
Sun Apr 29 23:39:15 PDT 2012

With my Palstar it memorizes frequencies via a freq counter and
automatically tunes to the correct settings. I 'calibrated' it by doing
lower, mid and high for each band. That works out fine.

On 4/29/12 11:29 PM, Roger (K8RI) wrote:
>  On 4/30/2012 1:22 AM, W2XJ wrote:
>>  That is why a good automatic antenna tuner should be used.
>  Agreed, but even then  it takes  a very good as well as fast tuner at
>  reduced power at least to begin.
>  It's better to to have an auto tuner that can be set up using an antenna
>  analyzer.  It remembers the settings for the frequency so when you
>  change bands it reads the frequency the for the VFO and automatically
>  sets the tuner so the first time the amp sees power it also sees a less
>  than 1.1:1 SWR.
>  73
>  Roger (K8RI)
>>  On 4/29/12 8:37 PM, Roger (K8RI) wrote:
>>>  The SS amp would let me cover the whole band without retuning, but it
>>>  would roll back the output power as the SWR went up. The tube amp does
>>>  not roll back the output. IIRC the SS amp was down about 200 watts at
>>>  1.2:1. It's been a couple of years. 73 Roger (K8RI)
>>>  _
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