[Amps] Tubes vs. Solid State (was) Expert Amps 2K-FA:AnyOpinions ?

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Mon Apr 30 07:48:41 PDT 2012

> In solid state broadcast transmitters, there is always APC (automatic 
> power
> control).

It's possible for the ALC mechanism in our amps to manage that much to the 
same degree as commercial automatic power control.  Its just a matter of 
applying the right algorithim to the ALC bus.  I suspect Elecraft uses an 
ALC algorithm in its 500W amp that's much the same as the one in their K3 
which has excellent transient and long-term power management time constants.

> The Harris MW-1...now there's a transmitter I'd like to forget...

Not for me.  Once it was upgraded to the MW-1A, it was nearly trouble-free 
at WLBK between 1980 and 1983, the year I graduated from NIU.

> The obvious solution here is liquid cooling.

Yes, but how is that implemented at low cost and low maintenance to the end 

> High volume/low velocity only works when you have a suitably large surface
> area of heatsink.  Heatsinks aren't cheap, and, if the goal is to maintain 
> a
> small form factor, you have design criteria that are mutually exclusive.

And that gets back to cabinet volume which I think is more the issue in 
relation to heatsink cost.

> However, modern SS manufacturers are usually very responsible
> when it comes to putting out EOL (end of life) notices for devices well in
> advance.  That doesn't seem to be the case with hollow state.

But the EOL notice does little to help a guy if no other semi manufactures 
step up to the plate.

> Be very wary of buying SS RF devices from overseas.

Amen to that.  I no longer purchase SS devices from anyone other than a 
known supplier like Mouser, Allied, Newark, etc.  It dawned on me last year 
when I purchased what i believed were ultra-low-noise Toshiba transistors 
for an audio amp circuit.  I purchased a dozen or so from an on-line Asian 
vendor then realized that without curve-tracing and noise testing, how do I 
know that they are not just a re-labeled 2N3904 types?

Paul, W9AC 

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