[Amps] IMD test question

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Wed Aug 1 23:53:23 PDT 2012

Mike wrote:
>On Wed, 2012-08-01 at 16:19 -0400, Gudguyham at aol.com wrote:
>> Bill, I'm SURE with today's multitude of hams with SDR radios, you
>> should easily get dozens of hams to give you "on the air" results.  It
>> seems there is a lot of IMD cops out there.  Pick one.
>Trouble is most of 'em don't know how to tell the difference between 
>your IMD and their receiver overload!
>Rx connected to a PC with a decent sound card and some known 
>attenuators is a reasonable stab for things like amplifier IMD (where 
>you are not trying for monster IMD3DR, it gets much harder when looking 
>at things like good first mixers as everything becomes very critical.

RX overload and purity of 2-tone sources are only important if the TX 
IMD is good (ie low).

But there are no such problems when measuring BAD signals. These only 
require a dynamic range of 30-40dB, and in some cases even less. Most 
modern SDRs can achieve this very easily, or will signal an error 
message if they can't.

The most useful measurement on an on-air SSB signal is a 'peak hold' 
spectrum showing total occupancy, because this tests everything at the 
same time - the exciter, the PA, all combinations of IMD products from 
all speech frequencies, and also the effects of poor PSU regulation 
(which a static two-tone test fails to capture).

It is very easy to grab a 'peak hold' spectrum off-air from a single 
transmission. It's also important to have a comparison spectrum from a 
'clean' signal (hopefully, your own) at a similar maximum level.

Then the message is: "Your signal has much worse IMD than others 
received here at the same level. Fix it!"


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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