[Amps] Filter Cap. question

peter chadwick g8on at fsmail.net
Mon Aug 6 01:01:32 PDT 2012

The answers I have heard are a resounding 'NO'. These caps aren't designed or intended for the level of ripple current that you get in an amplifiers PSU, and they fail fairly quickly. Usually killing other parts in the process. The fairly big paper caps intended for SCR commutation should be OK, though.
Peter G3RZP

Message Received: Aug 06 2012, 05:38 AM
From: "Charles Bibb" 
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] Filter Cap. question

Working on a new amp project here.

In the past, I've always used banks of 8 or 10 aluminum electrolytics 
for the HV PS filter, and they have always worked fine and lasted 
quite a long while.

Lately, I've been seeing caps of the "energy discharge" variety that 
have been removed from cardiac defibrillators. Is there any reason 
these wouldn't make good filter caps in the HV PS of an amateur 
amp? Has anyone on this list had any experience using them for that purpose?

I always considered the big can oil-filled caps the "gold standard" 
for filter caps, but usually I wasn't able to get my hands on them to 
use. Might these "energy discharge" caps be just as good?

Charles - K5ZK

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