[Amps] 4CX1500B project

Vic K2VCO k2vco.vic at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 21:50:42 PDT 2012

Because as I understand it, the tubes are essentially the same except for a slightly 
larger anode cooler which accounts for the additional dissipation. The parameters for 
typical operation on the 4CX1500B data sheet are based on a load line closer to class A 
than those on the 1000 sheet -- they call for lower bias and screen voltage and more 
idling current. The intention is to produce much less IMD. Since I'm a CW operator, I 
would rather have full legal output than reduce IMD.

On 8/8/2012 9:31 PM, Bill, W6WRT wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Aug 2012 20:06:50 -0700, you wrote:
>> I've been thinking about my next project for some time, and I can't seem to shake the idea
>> of an 160-10M amplifier using the 4CX1500B. The tubes and the beautiful SK-800B socket are
>> just burning a hole in my workbench, as it were.
>> So I am thinking of running it in AB1 according to the parameters in the 4CX1000 datasheet
>> -- 3kV on the plate, 325V on the screen and -60V bias.
> Why are you using the 4CX1000 data sheet?
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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