[Amps] 87a will tell you, too

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 10:07:03 PDT 2012

that's way too high.  You can get a Tek 475 for around $100 now.  All
these great Tek scopes from the 1970s are a steal now.  Slow one down,
turn up the trace and dim the lights and you'll see your overshoot.
Easy to measure once you get a v. / division for power fix.


On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Paul Christensen <w9ac at arrl.net> wrote:
> Or, a used Tektronix 465/465B for about USD $250 on the used market.  Moving
> up in technology, Owon, Rigol, and Hantek have new 100MHz 2-channel digital
> storage scopes with 1G+ digital sampling.  The Owon model is just over USD
> $400.  Folks are paying more than this for their wattmeters.

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