[Amps] Parasitic Resister Value

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Fri Aug 17 20:25:07 PDT 2012

The Measurements 59 is a great GDO, I have one and have since 1966...and it was used then.
Measurements went under but split into a few different local operations...Boonton Radio (which later became a division of HP), Boonton Electronics (which is still around), and many went to ARC (Aircraft Radio Corporation), all in the Boonton, NJ area.  I lived there and worked for Boonton Electronics in the 70s; many of our engineers were from Measurements and really great folks.  Half of them were hams.  My boss was a chief engineer, Ray W2WCF (now SK).  But all these places were loaded with hams.
Boonton, NJ was a center for such technology for quite a while; possibly because Bakelite was from there (great insulator in the day), and that spun off a series of dishware called "Boontonware," which was almost unbreakable.
Good old days.  :-)


From: amps-bounces at contesting.com on behalf of Bill, W6WRT
Sent: Fri 8/17/2012 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Parasitic Resister Value

On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 19:38:38 -0400, Carl wrote:

>The company became the victim of a merger and it seems production lasted as
>part of the new company to at least 1959 based upon the date of the Army

That reminds me of a guy I used to work with. He had one of the very first
digital multimeters and it was a piece of junk but he loved it.  Shortly after
he bought it the company went out of business. We kidded him about it and he
maintained that the DMM was so successful the company could not keep up with the
orders and got so backlogged they finally had to go out of business. 

Takes all kinds, doesn't it?

73, Bill W6WRT
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