[Amps] High Voltage Rectifiers on ebay

Jim Barber audioguy at q.com
Fri Aug 17 21:07:34 PDT 2012


I can't account for their current-carrying, (haven't used one in an amp 
yet) but
I used one in my BVT/HiPot with peak/DC output up to 15KV and have had 
zero issues.

I do have them laid out on a B+ board design I'm tinkering with for a YC156
amp, but haven't actually made the board or used it yet.

My .01 - only half of the normal .02 because I've only done partial 


On 8/17/2012 8:52 PM, Charles Bibb wrote:
> I've been seeing lots of high-voltage rectifiers on ebay
> lately.  Specifically, I'm referring to the HVP2A-20, a single
> package rated at 2A and 20kv. These are posted by sellers in Hong
> Kong and China, and priced in the $5-7 range.
> Has anyone on this list used them in an amp?  Do they hold up?  Or,
> are those specs at that price range too good to be true?
> Like to hear from anyone whose actually used four of them in a
> FWB.  20kv would be a lot of headroom.
> 73,
> Charles - K5ZK
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