[Amps] Multiple Amplifier Switching Box

Zev Darack zevdarack at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 17:18:08 EDT 2012

W8ZR created an rig/amplifier switch box and there was a write up on
it in QST.  http://www.harbachelectronics.com/main/page_products_w8zr_station_pro_w8zr_stationpro.html

Take a look as his design includes the info about the relays and
everything else you need.


On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Michael Clarson <wv2zow at gmail.com> wrote:
> N2BC: I understand now. I use an SB220, no QSK, so that didn't enter the
> thought process. So, IF one were to series QSK capable amps, it would
> require rework of the amps and some interconnection with the first one,
> creating a QSK amp string, and at that point, the switching box may be a
> simpler approach. -- Mike, WV2ZOW
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