[Amps] Multiple Amplifier Switching Box

krishna kanakasapapathi kkanakas at cisco.com
Thu Aug 23 18:42:07 EDT 2012

I run my TL922 through my Alpha 9500, but of course, the Alpha is in 
standby and is capable of running 1500w through it.
The switch box will be handy, for example, the 3cx1500 takes 3mins to 
warm up, but the TL922 is ready in say 20seconds.
Can he helpful to get on the air with QRO while the other is warming up. 
Plus it can help cycle through all the standby amps
from time to time without having to mess with cabling.


On 8/23/2012 6:27 PM, chas wrote:
> On 8/23/12 3:32 PM, Michael Clarson wrote:
>> N2BC: I understand now. I use an SB220, no QSK, so that didn't enter the
>> thought process. So, IF one were to series QSK capable amps, it would
>> require rework of the amps and some interconnection with the first one,
>> creating a QSK amp string, and at that point, the switching box may be a
>> simpler approach. -- Mike, WV2ZOW
> I am confused by this thread's apparent intent...
> I first thought that it was about having two or three amps powered up and
> then making your choice as to which you wanted to use by switching the PA
> relay from the txcvr  which would key one of the active amps (with its tuner).
> If you wanted to use a different amp/tuner, you would switch from/to the
> keying or activating coax of the first amp to the next amp.  The next
> impression I got was that of keying two amps at the same time ??? as if that
> would solve anything.  I don't think that output is "additive" or summing
> which means running two 300W amps simultaneously is not going to result in
> 600W <G>.
> I can see value in the idea of switching from my cube to my SB220 to my 374A
> to gain greater power but I should think that the better idea would be to
> just choose the best amp for the purpose at hand and leave the others
> turned/powered off.  If there is a way to do this (while taking into
> consideration RF sensing), I would like to know how to do it.
> I must have missed the original message which explained the purpose or why
> the thread's originator wanted to switch amps...
> just confused and asking for clarification?
> 73 es tnx  chas  k5dam
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