[Amps] Alpha 78
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Sun Aug 26 11:48:19 EDT 2012
A pair of 3CX800's will last a long time even in a RTTY contest at that
roughly 50% reduced power. The blower is more than adequate.
The EI transformer in the 76PA is not as rugged or as forgiving as the
Hypersil in the CA. Both are 3 holers and I know several who have run them
at 1500W in a RTTY contest. Over several decades the EI in the PA has failed
for some.
Since the 78 is just a 76CA with a no tune section added its performance
should be the same when in Manual. I dont believe an EI transformer was used
in the 78 but Ive never seen one.
The key is to use the louvered section on the rear panel to mount an
external muffin fan blowing on any/all of the 8874 amps that are being run
The 3CX800 conversions should have the top cover opening increased even at
the reduced power, that is a big restrictor up there. Ive seen several with
a section cut out and perforated sheet used, it sure helps since the
original design is pretty poor even with 8874's.
Adding some holes to the cover to the side and above the tank circuit can
only help, especially on the highest bands and in bandpass mode.
It is also a good idea to recap the PS every 15-20 years as well as tossing
the old carbon equalizing resistors for 3W MOX. The leakage current just
keeps getting worse as the caps age and it doesnt show up on the meter but
the transformer knows all about it.
There are also other parts on the circuit board needing attention such as
caps and out of tolerance carbon resistors.
Many years of hard use might crystalize the solder at the switch and
elsewhere in RF paths, it should be removed and fresh solder flowed on.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <k8ri at rogerhalstead.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 4:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Alpha 78
> On 8/25/2012 4:06 PM, Carol Richards wrote:
>> I am using an alpha 78 with a pair of 3cx800A's instead of the hard to
>> get and afford 8874's. I get about 1200w output on cw. Not bad since
>> the power supply only provides 2000V and I am only able to drive it with
>> 100w.. My question is when I operate RTTY is it still safe to run the
>> alpha at max output or should I cut back on the drive...This is
>> especially important if I plan to operate a RTTY contest.
> Just give it the smell test, or stick a thermocouple onto the core and
> keep track of the temp. Bout I'd settle for about 40C rise over room
> temp as good for 24 X 7. The hams on here who really know transformers
> probably can give a limit higher than that for the different
> transformers use in the Alphas, or at least more accurate.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
>> Thanks,,,,
>> Carol
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