[Amps] urban myth and transmitting tubes

Jim Hoge knowkode at verizon.net
Mon Aug 27 08:41:16 EDT 2012


That's the exception. I've heard the claims from some who run stock that they are capable of such numbers. I had a boss who was an ardent cber ask me to fix his mobile solid state amp. I said I would take a look at it. After all, I was curious. I had no intention of fixing it for him though. The math said there was no way he could get 500 watts out with only a 20 amp fuse in the 12 volt supply lines, even IF the amp ran at an efficiency of 100%. Who only knows how over driven the amp must be and I'd hate to see the spectrum analyzer under such conditions. BTW, it was a blown transistor on the input side (2x4 configuration). Gee, I wonder how that happened. I gave the amp back to him and said I couldn't find the problem.

Gotham couldn't hold a candle to some of these guys.

Jim W5QM


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