[Amps] Solder flux

Colin Lamb k7fm at teleport.com
Mon Aug 27 12:54:06 EDT 2012

"Why is new solder better?"

Many years ago, my Ten-Tec Paragon PLL failed.  A call to Ten-Tec tech informed me that was a common problem, due to bad wave soldering on the PLL boards.  He recommended sucking all of the solder out and resoldering.

Thinking I was smarter than the Ten-Tec tech, I carefully resoldered each joint on the board.  Unfortunately, I still had the same problem.  Defeated, I did as told and removed the solder from each joint and resoldered.  And, yes it worked perfectly, and is still working.  

I still do not understand why the resoldering did not work - but from this point, I remove the old solder as Carl does.

73,  Colin  K7FM

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