[Amps] current threads about silver solder and resoldering

Jim Barber audioguy at q.com
Mon Aug 27 16:40:14 EDT 2012

[...] = "Soldering is Rocket Science".

Funny, but true. :-)


On 8/27/2012 1:37 PM, Colin Lamb wrote:
> " Years ago, I worked as an electronic tech, and learned that some assembly contracts required first soldering a joint, then sucking and wicking all the solder out of the connection, then resoldering it.  I understood informally (i.e., not confirmed) that this was the requirement and standard for NASA contracts, because of the constant vibration in their applications."
> Years ago, back in the dark ages, a friend worked for a company that made circuit boards for rockets.  This was in the days when most rockets were failing (about 1960).  He mentioned that many, if not most, of the early rocket failures were due to poor solder joints.
> 73,  Colin  K7FM
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