[Amps] RF insulating materials - engineered plastics

John Lyles jtml at losalamos.com
Tue Aug 28 15:32:13 EDT 2012

It would be nice to have the time and a wide variety of materials to do this. Everyone seems to have a pet material for RF insulators. I did the measurements for materials i use on my job. All were readily available from any plastic supplier in most cities. While not free, small pieces are not going to break the bank either. They are amazing materials, if you need the RF, thermal or mechanical performance. That said, I would be happy to test any samples provide to me as long as they are cut in the same geometry in order to make good comparisons. It is not an absolute but only relative measurement that I did. 


-----Original message-----
From: "David Jordan" wa3gin at comcast.net
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 04:40:41 -0600
To: jtml at vla.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] RF insulating materials - engineered plastics

> Hey,
> Most folks aren't going to have access to that stuff... how about testing 
> some easily available material like the re-cycled plastic floor boards now 
> used for decking?  1/4" slicing of these boards makes great open wire 
> insulated spacers and thicker cuts make great stand-offs...
> 73,
> Dave
> wa3gin

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