[Amps] Vacuum Relay

Bryan Swadener bswadener at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 9 17:02:14 EST 2012

> From: Paul W8AEF
> Subject: Re: Vacuum Relay
> ... for some reason not many hams use a scope as a waveform
> monitor.
> de Paul, W8AEF

That's unfortunate.  A scope isn't going to tell all but it 
tells a lot about a signal.  They're not difficult to use 
and don't have to cost a lot.  The vertical amplifier needs 
to respond at least twice as high as the highest radio 
frequency.  At HF, this is about 60 MHz, and a usable unit 
can be found for about $1/MHz or so. Compared to the cost of 
an amplifier, it's peanuts.  After I upgraded my lab scope, 
I "retired" my Tek 2236 (100 MHz) to use as a TX monitor.

vy 73,
Bryan WA7PRC

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