[Amps] GS-35B Efficiency Varies with frequency?
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Dec 26 16:33:00 EST 2012
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 3:57 AM
Subject: [Amps] GS-35B Efficiency Varies with frequency?
> Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 11:02:23 -0500
> From: "Carl" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>
> To: <amps at contesting.com>, "Paul Baldock" <pbaldock at frontier.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] GS-35B Efficiency Varies with frequency?
> That is characteristic of a tired tube and the poor PS regulation doesn’t
> help.
> Carl
> KM1H
> ## neither a tired tube nor lousy PS regulation has anything to do with
> eff. If a
> tube is ‘soft’..... you just can’t pull normal plate current with it...or
> way more than
> normal drive is required.
** I dont see the original post but I believe the PS was dropping 800V under
load, that makes a big difference in key down power as the load line and
even the input match changes. A soft tube just adds to the confusion.
> ## as far as PS regulation goes.... the real no load B+ is what you end
> up with, with
> the amp keyed, NO drive applied, and drawing normal idle current.
** The real no load B+ is in standby with NO LOAD and with a good supply it
should barely budge for a GG triode. Tetrodes are a different case.
Now that does not apply
> to bi state or tri state EBS schemes. The point is you have to draw
> normal idle current 1st, b4 you
> can apply drive, so if the B+ is 100-300vdc more on RX than it is when
> keyed, but not driven, who
> really cares ? On SSB it’s even less of an issue, since on ssb, we are
> only interested in dynamic regulation
> not static regulation.
** 700-750V of "dynamic" regulation sucks.
> ## I find it amusing that most 6m monoband amps will have way better eff
> than using the same tube in a
> multiband HF amp on 10m !
** I found that out in the mid 60's with the first SB-200 I converted; it
went from 650 to 800W. The first conversion was a NCL-2000 and there was no
change since it was swampd grid, used 500 MHz rated tubes and didnt waste RF
in a high Q tank; 1200W in either case.
> ## The secret to good eff in a GG amp is in the tuned input
> setup..including stray tube C, if any fixed
> caps are used at the cathode, and or if parallel coax is used from tuned
> input assy to cathode. If the
> tuned input is close to the cathode, the coax can be eliminated.
> ## I have found that PI nets work best for GG tuned inputs, even with
> real low Z tubes.
> We have had no success with T networks on 6m GG amps, using 2 x series
> coils and a variable cap.
> Tweak the values of both coils all you want and you can never get the swr
> flat on them.
** Only time I had a T work well on 6 was an Alpha 76CA and the LK-800's I
often do. Both are 3 tube amps using 8874 and 3CX800 respectively. OTOH it
also works fine on the 3CX1000A7 2M amp.
> later........ Jim VE7RF
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