[Amps] Mysterious problem with my FL-2100b

Eduardo Somoano C co8ly at frcscu.ciges.inf.cu
Mon Feb 6 11:45:50 PST 2012

Dear friend Hal
I didn't respond you before for problems with the HDD of my old computer.  
I made all that you told me and the continuous problem.  
All the antennas, coax and connectors are in good state and very connected.  
I think that the problem this in the Lineal amp but also change those  
condensers of each band in the input coil and all continuous one equally.  
Please help me to look for the cause maybe your you have another idea of the problem.  
Strong hug.73.-
Eduardo. CO8LY

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Hal W5GHZ 
  To: Eduardo Somoano C 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 3:59 PM
  Subject: Re: [Amps] Mysterious problem with my FL-2100b

  Try replacing the amplifier with a dummy load.  Check for good SWR.  This will confirm that the coax and connectors going from the HF rig to the amplifier are not causing the problem.  Then connect the antenna to the coax that goes to the amplifier.  You should sitll have good SWR.  This would confirm a problem with the amplifier or the antenna.

  Let us know how it works out.

  Hal W5GHZ

  From: Eduardo Somoano C <co8ly at frcscu.ciges.inf.cu>
  To: Lista Antenas <Antennas at mailman.qth.net>; amps at contesting.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 6:40 AM
  Subject: [Amps] Mysterious problem with my FL-2100b

  Dear friends

  I have a mysterious problem with my old Lineal FL2100b.

  It happens that I am not able to couple the HF equipament with the lineal
  one, I install among
  the HF and the lineal one a meter R.O.E and in all the bands the SWR
  it is high, only in 40mtrs the SWR is 1:1 in all the other ones
  bands this between 4 and 5.

  I adjust each input coil explains the manual, disconnecting
  the high voltage and adjusting input coil to minimum SWR but I don't achieve
  that it lowers anything.

  Also change the condensers and everything continues equally.

  Wanted that somebody helps me to solve the problem because not
  encounter which is the cause of because there is not joining among
  the HF and the lineal one.

  With a lot of interest I wait your answer.

  A million thank you in advance.

  Strong hug.73.-

  Eduardo. CO8LY

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  Amps at contesting.com

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