[Amps] Grid current protection HELP

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Mon Feb 13 18:14:53 PST 2012

I don't see how the opto-isolator triggers anything. According to the 
schematic it switches 100K to ground on a node fed by the output of a 
7815 regulator. That doesn't make any sense to me. I think there are 
some errors in the schematic. There is probably a pull-up between pin 2 
of the 555 and the 7815 output instead of just a wire, I think that 
creates other problems, so without staring at it for more time than I 
have tonight, I can't tell you exactly how it is supposed to be 
configured. I just can't see how it could possibly work the way the 
schematic shows it.

73, Mike W4EF..............

On 2/13/2012 4:59 PM, rick darwicki wrote:
> Hi all,
> A while back K6XX published an article that can be found at  members.cruzio.com/~k6xx/radio/76a_prot.pdf
> It is a simple opticoupler that triggers a 555 timer base on the voltage drop across a resistor.
> I built the circuit but only connected pin 2 to the 100k resistor from the opticoupler.
> It has different levels of working with different connections I have tried. Grounding the relay jack will key Q1 if the output is low, but it starts high. At one point I could vary the voltage in to the opticoupler and trigger the 555. Also, the time delay worked too. Now I can't get it to do much hi hi I need to start over.
> I'm a tube and voltage guy and almost nothing I've built SS except for a 160 meter surface mount SDR and my copy of the Alpha 78 QSK board has worked first time out hi hi
> Can someone look at the schematic and let me know what the problem is, IE correct it?
> I can see the trigger tied to B+ and do not think that is correct. 
> I assumed pin 4 needed to go to B+, maybe not.
> I made a PCB and it is a pain makeing changes and cutting foil.
> Please, any help from you solid state guys? My 8874s need you. K6XX does not respond.
> Thanks
> Rick, N6PE
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