[Amps] Alpha

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Thu Feb 23 22:06:04 PST 2012

On 2/23/2012 6:01 PM, Paul Kraemer wrote:
> What in your expert opinion(s) would be a reasonable price to offer for an
> Alpha 89 in clean cosmetic but unknown electrical not gauranteed condition.
> I assume the tubes are in it but don't even know that.
> Paul K0UYA
On 2/23/2012 6:01 PM, Paul Kraemer wrote:
> What in your expert opinion(s) would be a reasonable price to offer 
> for an
> Alpha 89 in clean cosmetic but unknown electrical not gauranteed 
> condition.
> I assume the tubes are in it but don't even know that.
> Paul K0UYA
I'm no expert and not knowledgeable on the 89, but:  #1 You need to know 
a lot more about it!
If it's nearby and you can pick it up would it be possible to inspect it 
and test it at its location.  IE, just take a dummy load along and a 
small rig to drive it.  They aren't that difficult to hook up and key.

Untested and without tubes it's not worth a whole lot, although some one 
might pay a small fortune on e-bay.  Not me.
It could be the buy of the century, or it could be a waste of time.  No 
way of knowing without looking and testing.

IIRC the 89 is the manual tune version using a pair of 3CX800A7's.

No tubes?  If you have to purchase new ones. l think the 89 uses 
3CX800A7's, but I'm not sure. If so they are kinda pricey. Figure $600 
to $800 for tubes unless you have contacts. Tested Pulls are available 
for around $350. Power supply.  Transformer is again about $800, give or 
take.  Maybe more.  I've seen them in good shape go for around $3 grand, 
sometimes substantially more and less.  If the cabinet is in good shape 
as well as the PS it might be worth a $1000 if you are willing to do a 
lot of work and invest a fair amount of time.


Roger (K8RI)
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