[Amps] 4 x Glass Glowing tubes

Ron Youvan ka4inm at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 07:31:33 PST 2012

   Máximo EA1DDO_HK1H wrote:

> Hi all, Bill,

> Yes, Bill is right.
> I am not looking for just watts. I don´t want a closed box with ceramic tubes inside (I already own one).
> What I would like to get is a beauty looking amp with good/high quality audio, based on glass tubes.

> Let me change the question.

> What tubes do you recommend to me to build a 14 MHz monoband amp from these; GU48/833A, GU81M or GU5B?

> GU5b (triode) is powerful, cheap and AB2 class quality, the only issue is the blower/noise they need.  http://tubedata.tubes.se/sheets/018/g/GU5B.pdf
> GU81M, tetrode, are cheap, and I guess has quality as well, no blower (or small one), but tetrode needs more power supplies  http://tubedata.tubes.se/sheets/018/g/GU81M.pdf
> GU48/833A, (triode), are cheap, B class, unstable?  http://tubedata.tubes.se/sheets/018/g/GU48.pdf

> It could be just monoband amp, for 14 MHz, may be I can add 7 MHz later on.
> Thinking in 4 tubes to get blowing glass enough and power between 4 to 10 Kw).

> Any other glass tube?
> Any recommendation?

   I wasn't asked, but I would vote on the four GU48/833A, (triode) with push-pull paralleled pairs.
A muffin fan is all that you need to get the heat out of the box.
    73 Ron KA4INM - All E-mail sent to this address shall linger in the Google cloud forever!

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