[Amps] 4 x GU-81 Grounded Grid Penthodes

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Wed Feb 29 08:09:23 PST 2012

Here is the info you need:


Model number: GU-81M
Manufacturer: Reflektor (Russian)
Max anode dissipation: 450 W
Max g2 dissipation: 120 W
Max g1 dissipation: 10 W
Max g2 voltage: 600 V
Max anode voltage: 3000 V
Max anode current: 600 mA
Max g2 current: 120 mA
Max g1 current: 20 mA
Input capacitance: 29 pF
Output capacitance: 24 pF
Anode to g2 capacitance: 0.1 pF
Max frequency: 50 MHz

Looks like 900 watts output with 67% efficiency.


Quoting Máximo EA1DDO_HK1H <ea1ddo at hotmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> I found a schematic with GU81 grounded grid.
> What you think?
> http://ru3ga.qrz.ru/LAMP/200401.htm
> By the way, How much output power can we expect from GU81 GG ?
> Thanks
> 73, Máximo - EA1DDO
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