[Amps] High Band Amp Considerations

Steve Flood kk7uv at bresnan.net
Thu Jan 26 04:58:22 PST 2012

I am pondering my next amp build - - a 5-bander (10 thru 20m) dedicated to
my 5-band beam with around 800 - 1000w output.  All the better if I could
use my existing power supply that has 2500/2900v at 600mA (or so)


Looking for a tube suggestion.   I'd prefer a single tube with good IMD
specs, that is easily obtained/replaceable/affordable.


By not having to design for lowband operation, are there some design
considerations or optimizations I should be aware of ?  Bandswitch and
tapped tank coil vs. roller inductor?   Vacuum vs air variables?  



Steve KK7UV 


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