[Amps] Amplified TV Antenna

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Jul 6 10:03:02 PDT 2012

On 7/6/2012 11:13 AM, Jerry Kaidor wrote:
>   Need a little advice here.

I get excellent results from an old standby 4x2 bow-tie with reflector.  
It's a broadband UHF antenna, but also gets enough high-band VHF signal 
that the set solidly decodes Ch 8 from about 40 miles away.  I have it 
on a 20 ft rat shack mast just outside the shack, only 20 ft from my 
160M vertical. 80/40 dipole is directly overhead up 110 ft. I've never 
seen or heard even the slightest problem with it.  There's a Channel 
Master mast-mounted preamp on it, and the feedline coming to the shack 
has a multi-turn ferrite choke, per the recommendations in my RFI tutorial.


I'd bet that the choke would solve your problem too.

73, Jim K9YC

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