[Amps] Neon xfmr for HiPot

Larry Benko xxw0qe at comcast.net
Wed Jul 18 09:17:13 PDT 2012

I have a couple of fuel oil ignition transformers I use for this exact 
purpose.  They are rated at 23mA and they actually work very well as 
current limited sources.  They will produce 10kV @ 23mA or 100V @ 23mA.  
For current limiting I use a Caddock MX-450 5meg ohm 5W resistor.


For test voltages < 7kV a single resistor works fine and I use 2 in 
series above 7kV.  Two resistors are needed for power dissipation and 
not voltage breakdown.

Larry, W0QE

On 7/18/2012 9:24 AM, Bill, W6WRT wrote:
>>    Mike K4GMH wrote:
>>> Can a 10 kV, 30 mA., xfmr used for a neon light be used in a hi-pot tester?
>>> Seems like a natural with just a small variac used to vary the primary
>>> voltage (120 VAC) for adjusting the output voltage.
> 30 mA is a lethal amount of current. Be sure to use some form of current
> limiting so the short circuit current is a fraction of a mA. The test will be
> just as valid and no harm to either you or the item under test (probably).
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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