[Amps] Dedicated RF

Gary K9GS garyk9gs at wi.rr.com
Sun Jul 29 13:13:27 PDT 2012

There are several commercial VHF/UHF single band amps already on the 
market that use the Freescale LDMOS parts.  Only one HF amp that I am 
aware of...so far.

On 7/29/2012 3:44 PM, Jerry Kaidor wrote:
>   A lot of new rugged devices have hit
>> the market
> *** Indeed.  I was quite excited by the new Freescale devices - they have
> a 1200W output one, protected up to 60-1 VSWR, and just $250 from Digikey!
> Each device has a PAIR of RF FETs, suitable for a push-pull stage.
>                        - Jerry Kaidor, KF6VB
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Gary K9GS

Greater Milwaukee DX Association: http://www.gmdxa.org
Society of Midwest Contesters: http://www.w9smc.com
CW Ops #1032   http://www.cwops.org


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