[Amps] meter

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Mon Jun 4 16:37:10 PDT 2012

Hi Mike, I recently purchased some Simoson lookalike meters from 
_http://www.bocatechinc.com_ (http://www.bocatechinc.com)  and was very  pleased with 
the quality and price.
They are made in China but seem to work just fine.
As I recall, the price for a 2 1/2" meter was about $27 each. There is a  
huge selection of current and voltage rating available.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 6/4/2012 12:30:15 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
k4elv at bellsouth.net writes:

Hey  guys.  I'm in the middle of an amp project and found that my junk box 
of  meters didn't have what I need.  Since the project 
case is small I  need to find a Simpson 2 3/8 square meter either 1 amp or 
1 ma.  If you  have one or the other you'd be willing to part with please 
let me know your  price.  I also have other meters I'd be willing to trade. 
Please respond  directly.

73 Mike  K4ELV
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