[Amps] Intro

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Jun 13 17:52:56 PDT 2012

Welcome back to the living Jerry.
For the 30L1 use a muffin fan on top pulling the hot air out, especially 
with 811A's even on SSB.
With 572B's as long as the plates arent showing color the tubes will be 
happy. Otherwise use a fan.

If running 80-20M only many remove the tube cover and interlock to improve 
air flow, it will probably be fine on 10-15 if TVI/RFI isnt a problem.

For the 6KG6 here are the specs and you can compare to the 6LQ6 and other 
sweep tubes and make tester settings accordingly. Some testers already 
include them with their latest settings releases. I believe the Jackson 648S 
is one of them.



Note also that there are numerous EL-509 conversions written up on the 
internet, dig up what you can find.

Otherwise sell to a CBer and find something a lot better.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Kaidor" <jerry at tr2.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 5:45 PM
Subject: [Amps] Intro

> Hello,
>   I'm Jerry Kaidor, callsign KF6VB.  Been a ham since high school - got
> my first license in 1970.  Always been a fan of QRO.  Built my first
> amp; four
> 6LQ6 tubes in an ARC-5 cabinet.  Interests are homebrewing and ragchewing.
> Esp like ragchewing about homebrewing :).  One key to a good ragchew is
> to be kind to the person at the other end - make sure he can actually hear
> you.  QRO is an important tool for that.
>   I've been off the air for 12 years, just got back on.  Yay, the Internet
> didn't kill off ham radio after all!  There's actually activity out there.
>  Right now, I have three amps: two SBE SB2-LA and one Collins 30L-1.
> Neither of the SBE amps are functional - one of them is low output,
> probably weak tubes, the other one suffered a grid short.  The 30L-1
> OTOH works fine.  No surprise there.  I pulled it out of storage last
> month, vacuumed and blew out all the dust, cleaned the switch contacts,
> washed the tubes in running water, brought it up slowly on a Variac.
>  I might want to get something a bit beefier than the 30L-1 though.  It's
> great for sideband & CW, but unhappy on RTTY or PSK.  Those modes are
> just
> too intense.  Although I did read that somebody filled his with 572B's,
> stuck on a muffin fan, and used it for RTTY contesting(!).  I have a set
> of
> Taylor 572B's on order from RF Parts.  Also, the little fan is a little
> loud.  There are many Collins parts available on the Net, but I haven't
> found that fan.
>   I cannot unfortunately indulge in legal limit QRO at this time because
> I only have one 110V circuit in the shack.  As far as I know.  Getting
> 220 up there will be difficult ( but nothing is impossible  - it's all
> just time & money ).
>   Another upcoming project is the SB2-LA's.  They're just such cute little
> boxes.  6LQ6 tubes are alas pretty expensive now.  And you can't get
> matched sets of 6.  I do however have qty 15 6KD6 tubes.  These are very
> comparable to the 6LQ6's but with a hair more plate dissipation.  They
> have a different pinout and even a different socket.  Ebay yielded up a
> complete set of ceramic 6KD6 sockets for a good price.
>  It would be useful if I could sort the 6KD6's by gain.  I have a TV-7D/U
> tester and a set of compactron sockets made by Dan Nelson.  I do not
> however have any data for these tubes.  Some of the settings are easy -
> the filament voltage, the knobs that connect each function to the
> appropriate pin.  But I have no clue as to how to set up the "dynamic"
> stuff.  Time to
> review tube theory!
>                         - Jerry Kaidor, KF6VB
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