[Amps] New linear Alpha 78

Jim Barber audioguy at q.com
Mon Jun 18 16:23:41 PDT 2012


Welcome to the "old Alphas owners group".
If you think the 78 is heavy, try a 77. Yikes. ;-)

(1) Put a reverse-biased rectifier diode between collector and emitter 
on that transistor switch. You just never know what you're going to hook 
it up to next, and relays can have a pretty good inductive kick.

(2) Gently bead-blast the cover, then find a friendly powder-coat shop 
that will put wrinkle black on it. $50-$75 would be a good price.

You remind me that I have a 76A that's been waiting for me to put caps 
in it for a couple of years now. [sigh]

Congrats and 73,

On 6/18/2012 5:39 PM, Jerry Kaidor wrote:
> Back from the Frigid North ( about 1 hour north of the QTH ),
>     I have the Alpha 78 in hand.  Works fine.  We had a moment of panic
> when the seller powered it up with the top cover off.  Flash went the
> HV fuse!
> First impressions:
>     * This thing is a beast.  O my aching back.  It's also physically large,
>       and visually overpowers the rest of the station.  But it "feels" like
>       a piece of commercial equipment that won't need to be babied.
>     * The blower is a little louder than I'd like.  I see RF Concepts has
>       new blowers, not too expensive...
>     * I'm not sure if I like the verniers on the plate and load caps.  I
> like to tune *fast*.  On the 30L1, I even turn off the transmitter
> between trying load values.  Try a load setting, give it a toot of RF,
> and dip.  Let it rest, try another value, another toot of RF & dip.
>     * It's got a couple of big scratches on the top cover.  And several
> missing top cover screws.   That's OK, the top cover doesn't worry me
> much.  Scratches on the front panel OTOH would be a big deal.  The top
> cover can easily be repainted.  RF Concepts has a complete set of screws
> for $5...
>    * There's an elaborate QSK system that I don't understand yet, and might
> not use.
>    * It's going to be easy to switch the PTT.  The PTT voltage is positive
>      21.5 volts, and when you ground it to transmit, you only need to sink
>      2.5mA.  I'm thinking a 2N3904, a resistor, and a few bypasses.
>                        - Jerry Kaidor ( jerry at tr2.com )
>> Hi Guys,
>>     I have come to an agreement to buy an Alpha 78 from a local ( 1.25 hour
>> drive ) guy.  Will probably drive out there to pick it up today.
>>                          - Jerry Kaidor
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