[Amps] tube fils..again

Jerome Kaidor jerry at tr4.tr2.com
Sat Jun 16 10:03:06 PDT 2012

Martin A Flynn wrote:
> AC is easy - Think variable frequency motor drive.  Easy contol of V, I, 
> and E with ramp up and down.
*** OK,  as long as it doesn't have to be sine-wave AC, it's easy.  Guess square waves are
OK... How about the PWM output off a PIC?

                                    - Jerry

> On 6/16/2012 12:10 PM, Jerry Kaidor wrote:
> > Regulating AC OTOH is hard.  Techniques I can think of off the top of
> > my head include - special transformers with IIRC air gaps that are
> > controlled with DC windings that partially saturate them - transformers with multiple
> > primaries or secondaries chosen by Triacs or SCR's - small motor-controlled
> > variacs - powerful AC amplifiers with gain feedback...
> >

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