[Amps] Oscilloscope Purchase

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 26 20:59:46 PDT 2012

Be aware that the 465 and 465B are very different scopes. They share the 
same root number and nearly identical specs but the B version is 
electrically much improved. It has an better trigger system and is much 
easier to calibrate the bandpass flatness. The 465 was very difficult to 
get it to 100 MHz whereas the 465B made 100 MHz easily and most units 
would reach 125 MHz and more.

The 465 is a good scope, but if you have a choice, go for the B version.

As mentioned in the original email, the 24xx series are excellent too, 
with lots of bells and whistles the 465 series does not have such as 
on-screen parameter display.

As a side note, there never was an "A" version. Engineering started on 
it but decided to do a major revamp and went directly to the "B".

Ah, the memories. :-)

73, Bill W6WRT
retired Tektronix production manager, portable scopes division

On 6/26/2012 8:30 PM, James Durham wrote:
> Hi,
> New to list, but had to chime in that I really like my Tek 465 also.
> A 2447 would be nice, though. That's what I had on my bench
> at work.  Miss the extra goodies.
> --- --- ---
> Jim, W2XO
> On Jun 26, 2012, at 9:49 PM, donroden at hiwaay.net wrote:
>> Quoting Bill Turner <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com>:
>>> I might be a bit biased, but I think the Tektronix 465B might be the
>>> best 100 MHz analog scope ever made.
>> The Simpson 260 of dual channel scopes !!
>> Love Em
>> Don R
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