[Amps] Guidelines.....toroids for tank ckts

Ulf (SM0NOR) ulf at sm0nor.com
Wed Mar 28 08:31:20 PDT 2012

Maybe you'll find some useful information in this article:

"design a toroidal tank circuit for your vacuum tube amplifier"

It's in Ham Radio Magazine August 1985.

Perhaps the information is old and outdated - I'm no expert. But I found it useful when I built my 160 meter coil.


SM0NOR / Ulf

Sent from my new iPad

On 28 mar 2012, at 15:28, David Feldman <wb0gaz at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the many replies to the thread.
> Here's my take-away -
> 1. Single toroid per band.
> 2. 160 and 80M are OK, 40M is iffy, 20M and above is not a good idea.
> 3. Insulating procedure necessary
> 4. Core size and mix are important considerations.
> Thanks all, this gives me exactly what I was looking for.
> Stay tuned for my next question...
> 73 Dave WB0GAZ wb0gaz at yahoo.com
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