[Amps] interesting statement in Dishtronix

Charles Harpole k4vud at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 16 16:15:16 EST 2012

The Dishtronix web page for their amp, DX 2400L 1, makes the following statement, " Beam antennas and multiband verticals are not designed for use with a tuner."
This odd statement is made in the context of the company not offering an automatic antenna tuner inside or external to this amplifier.  That site goes on to explain that wide range matching of an amp to various antennas ...which may have higher swr like 3 or even 4 to one... should not be done;  instead, the amp user should make his antennas more resonant and with swr of 2 to 1 or less.  That passes the issue of amp matching antennas on to the antenna and handily off the task of the amp.  I have had a few resonant antennas but none which presented a flat swr over the whole of one band.  Makes me go huummmm.
I guess if one can afford the 2400L, one should be able to afford a whole lot of antennas which can then present a flat swr to this amplifier regardless of frequency.  Or a few StepIRs, maybe?
Am I being too hard on Dishtronix's web site wording? 
Added note... an Alpha 9500 added to the cost of their Model 4040 high power auto tuner will be less than the DX 2400, QSK version.  I am making these notes in the context of this reflector's continuing conversation about solid state amplifiers.

Charles Harpole
k4vud at hotmail.com    		 	   		  

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