[Amps] Kilovac H-18 8KV DPDT Relay question

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Oct 27 10:26:00 EDT 2012

Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 06:53:05 -1000
From: "Roland AH6RR" <Toesonnose at hawaii.rr.com>
To: <Amps at contesting.com>
Subject: [Amps] Kilovac H-18 8KV DPDT Relay question.

I am building a 6Meter amp using 2 4cx250b tubes and I picked up this relay
a Kilovac H-18 8KV DPDT. I was looking at the manufactures website and the
data sheet and it says that it is good for 2 amps at 32MHZ but it has no
rating above 32MHZ should it be OK at 50MHZ?

Roland Spoon AH6RR

Contest Call KH7B

ARRL Section Traffic Manager

###  2A is good for  2x2 x 50 ohms = 200W CCS  @ 32 mhz....and no doubt
even less at 50 mhz. 

##  use a gigavac GH-1 instead.  You can get em in both 12 vdc and also 26.5 vdc.
A buddy uses one of em on the output of his hb  2 x GS35B  6m amp.  Handles 
5 kw pep out just fine on ssb/cw.  Handles  a dead cxr just fine too.  Super fast. 

## If your proposed amp puts  out 500w pep  ssb/cw, your relay will probably work
just fine, since the average output  will be real low, like  100w average .  Try it anyway. 
If it bites the dust, replace it with a GH-1.   The GH-1 is just a SPDT relay though. 

Jim  VE7RF

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