[Amps] High grid current Titan 425

Dave Hachadorian k6ll at arrl.net
Sat Oct 27 14:41:59 EDT 2012

I have a big hand-written note in my AL-1500 manual that says "If
metering is screwed up after an amplifier 'event,' check the
diode that goes between B-minus and ground."

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, Arizona

I just had an arc happen on my Titan 425 this morning that blew
the fuses in the PS.  When I replaced them I had high voltage to
the RF deck, but I'm seeing high grid current now with just 20 or
so watts of drive.  Output is very low.....less then 100 watts.
Do I have an issue with the tubes?   Thoughts?

Thanks.   Rich.  N7TR 

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