[Amps] MFJ products

Vic K2VCO k2vco.vic at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 10:56:53 EDT 2012

In order to understand MFJ products, you just need to know that many of them are rated in 
"MFJ Watts."

An MFJ Watt is about half a regular watt. So a "1500 watt" MFJ tuner is good
for about 750 normal watts.

They are also living somewhat in the past. In the Old Days when US hams were limited to 1
kW DC input to their finals, a good class-C amplifier might make about 750 watts output.
That was the legal limit. And that is about what their "legal limit" products are capable of.

Having said that, Ameritron amplifiers -- at least the tube amplifiers -- are good buys 
and deliver as promised. They are not top quality, but you get what you pay for.

On 9/11/2012 1:07 AM, David Kirkby wrote:

> On another issue with MFJ items, someone else mentioned in the thread something about a
> coil wound with wire at least two gauges thinner than he would have used, and several
> have mentioned the use of overrated or marginally related components. A friend of mine
> has a 1 kW ATU they sell. He is very careful about his equipment and treats it well. He
> has a linear, but it only puts out about 350 W PEP. The legal limit here in the UK is
> only 400 W PEP, but I know his linear is not capable of 400 W - or at leasat he never
> pushes it to 400 W. But despite running an ATU at 35% of its maximum power rating,
> something has burnt out in there. I forget what it is, but it has resulted in him
> turning a shaft around on one of the tuning controls, as something has gone wrong in
> there, which meant he got RF burns on the tuning control.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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