[Amps] MFJ products

Pete Michaelis - N8TR pete.n8tr at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 12:59:25 EDT 2012

I do not have any experience with newer Ameritron amplifiers;
however  I have two older Ameritron AL-1200's.  The first one
I got directly from the factory almost 30 years ago is serial number 089.
The second, serial number 423, I got from an estate.  Both have been
used in many many contests and have been very reliable.  The older
one was driven by an FT-1000 for much of its life and still produces
as much power as when I got it.  Both amps were made before the
company was bought by MFJ.

73 Pete - N8TR

At 03:51 AM 9/11/2012, Jim Brown wrote:

>FWIW, I'm getting great use from the three Ten Tec Titans I bought 
>used between 2004 and 2006.  These US designed (around 1978) and 
>built amps aren't fancy, but their build quality is decent, they 
>publish the schematic, they're easy to work on, most parts are easy 
>to find, and I'm running them at contesting duty cycles with very 
>good reliability.  Two are in active use, one is a spare. (Hey -- 
>I'm a serious contester. :) )  And they are 30 years old!  I 
>seriously doubt that an owner of MFJ amps can tell a similar story 
>with amps that are much newer.
>73, Jim K9YC

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