[Amps] Henry 2KD-Classic blower

Mark - K4SO k4so at VERIZON.NET
Sun Sep 30 22:52:27 EDT 2012

My Henry 2KD-Classic has developed a noisy blower. Overly so, that is, 
with a cyclical noise, about 4 times/second. I have a spare one in much 
newer condition. Any tips on replacing it? I'd rather not take off any 
more sheet metal than necessary to make the swap. I'll re-lube the 
existing one first, just in case, but this is a mechanical. cyclical 
drone and doesn't sound like lubrication will make the difference. 
Cleaning may be an issue since the blower has never really been out and 
fully cleaned. It seems to me there is access via the input circuit 
access panel on the bottom, to reach the squirrel cage, so maybe I can 
clean it that way. It almost sounds like an out of balance issue.

Any experiences you can share would be appreciated. (And I thought 
removing/repairing the blower in the Alpha 89 was a bear :-)

73, Mark

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