[Amps] Getting a blower out of the shack

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Thu Apr 11 07:10:27 EDT 2013

On 4/10/2013 7:42 AM, Rick Stealey wrote:
> Thanks to each of you who replied with suggestions for my idea of remoting my amp blower.  I now have a good idea of what to look for as far as the components go, and will be making my first shopping visit today, looking around Home Depot because I need to get more spray paint there for the rack that will hold the amp.  This project is part of a shack rebuild that began in January with the complete teardown of the walls in my shack.  I have insulated the walls, provided an access panel for all I/O, and now want to make the HUGE improvement of reducing the noise that my 8877 amp makes.  Your suggestions have been very valuable.
> Rick   K2XT

Although it will work, I'd personally avoid the dryer hose and sheet 
metal work as it's typically quite frafile.  Tou can get custom sheet 
metal work done, but it's quite expendive.

OTOH the hose and fittings for dust collectors comes in a number of 
sizes, is easy to handle, comes with round to square adapters, size 
changes allowing larger tubing to smaller ports, is typically PVC, and 
not expensive.  It can easily be installed in temporary or permanent 
installations and will handle far more pressure than you'll ever need.I 
have a 3 HP motor on mine eith an impeller using 1/4" thick steel 
blades, but it sucks instead of blows and every one in a while sucks up 
something large enough to make quite a bang!  Makes me glad it has those 
heavy blades.  Course with a blower like that you need it outside, or 
definitely a different room


Roger  (K8RI)

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