[Amps] Measuring tank coil inductance

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Tue Apr 23 15:17:41 EDT 2013

> I've been trying to find a good method to measure the inductance of large coils made out
> of tubing.


> How do real amplifier designers do this?

23/04/2013 20:13

Watching this thread with great interest, especially the "wg=hat
frequency to measure at" stuff. My AIM4170 is supposedly a good tool,
it's the operator here that lacks knowledge and confidence in using
it. I also have a Fluke / Philips PM6303A RCL meter that would have
been VERY expensive new, but it measures only at 1KHz, as far as I can
tell from the manual. When you see specs in ARRL build plans for say a
.8 uH indctor, or see a 5 uH inductor advertised, there must be a
definitive measuring method to arrive at the value, surely?

Glad you posted, I feel I ask too many questions ;)

       Best Regards,
                   Chris Wilson.

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