[Amps] testing the biggest one

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Aug 3 00:02:09 EDT 2013

Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 19:30:07 -0400
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <k8ri at rogerhalstead.com>
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] testing the biggest one
On 8/2/2013 5:20 PM, Bill Turner wrote:
> ORIGINAL MESSAGE:          (may be snipped)
> On Fri,  2 Aug 2013 13:09:56 -0600, K5PRO wrote:
>> . I challenge the same pundits to come up with a superior way to generate RF power. Maybe in the sun?
> How about the Internet? Seriously, the days of super power broadcast
> transmitters are coming to a close. WiFi or its equivalent and streaming
> content are spelling the doom of broadcasting as we have known it for
> decades. We're not there yet, it is on the horizon.

The Internet is too fragile and is at the mercy of the weather and man 
made disasters.  While it is working it's great, but nature or vandals 
could take out large portions.  We depend on our ISPs, they depend on 
the trunklines.


Roger (K8RI)

## dream on.  You have no idea how much redundant fiber optic there is out there
right now.   The problem is, the typ cable may have 200 strands in it..including the
spares !    City crew digs for a pipe, and poof, slices the fots cable in half..... taking
out the spares as well.   Plan B cane out in 1986.   Fiber rings all over town, like
concentric circles.   Everything is connected to everything else, including the
capability of going either  CW  or CCW  on any given fiber ring.   The rings
are connected to each other too.   Cable gets chopped, no big deal, it all takes
an alternative path. 

## as far as splicing fiber back together....even that is down to a fine art.  B4 I retired at
the end of 2009, the telcos  were splicing em, 13  at a time.  Hit the switch, bam done...
then the next 13 and so on and so forth.   200 strands of fiber in a 1.5 inch OD cable 
gets spliced pretty  quick vs   900 pairs of twisted copper..  1800 x conductors.  You can
now stuff up to 3000 gigabits  on just one strand, so there is plenty of capacity. 

##  still, there is limitations between towns.  Unless  you have redundant cables  on BOTH
sides of the hwy,  you could be in trouble... but again, splicing cables is pretty quick. 
SW broadcasting, why bother ?  They all missed the boat when they decided to experiment
with digital vs  SSB.   One of the SW broadcasters did this experiment just a few yrs back,where
they switched every few mins from 10 kw USB  to 100 kw AM cxr. Several hundred listeners
e-mailed back that USB trumps AM hands down.   Digital is fubar, no handshaking capability, 
plus digital eats up way to much RF BW. 

##  why would I want to listen to radio china on 3925 USB at 30 over S9, when I can listen to the
same crap on their website ?   Heck, SW is in real time.   I can pull up old broadcasts  from weeks
previous on the net.   Having said all that, SW broadcasters want even more BW these days, not less. 

end of rant....... Jim   VE7RF 

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