[Amps] OTA TV

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Mon Aug 5 19:16:54 EDT 2013

>> Other than a few digital geeks , no one wanted HDTV.
> I will STRONGLY disagree with you on that one, Don. I'm a genuine  
> old fart, and I LOVE DTV, especially HD.

If you are a ham, you are an original geek.
Since you like DTV, you are a Digital Geek... regardless of your  
esteemed status as an old fart.

> With both TV and radio, the the programming has gotten progressively lousier.

No, our demographic is viewed as "out-of-touch" and they program for  
the GenXes
or younger. Lousy to us equals compelling to the

> I find sports a LOT more riveting with an HD signal.
> 73, Jim K9YC

With our old eyes, I don't disagree... bigger screens needed HD to  
look as good as a 19 inch analog.  Now-days, the hip way to watch TV  
is via a 5 inch
i-thingamiggy connected to the internet.  Enjoy HDTV as long as you can.


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