[Amps] more Dahl transformers for sale

Dick Hanson dick at dkhanson.com
Tue Aug 13 12:39:52 EDT 2013


I have two Dahl TPX-X167-1 transformers, made for Alpha, with the following
Primary: 	dual 100-120VAC windings (100-120-200-240)

Secondaries: 	2000-2335-2665VAC @ 1.5A CCS
		28-0-28VAC @ 2A CCS
		13.2VAC @ 10A CCS
		28VAC @ 10A CCS

These are Hypersil cores, and weigh 72lbs each.

Not practical for me to box/ship, but will meet halfway within 200 mi radius
of Austin, TX.

$200 each


Dick, K5AND
Austin, TX
512-263-4121 home phone

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