[Amps] Electron HOLE flow

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 29 11:58:03 EDT 2013

ORIGINAL MESSAGE:          (may be snipped)

On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 20:04:03 -0400, Roger wrote:

>In an introductory course we had to figure out the average speed of the 
>electron drift in a #10 wire carrying 1 Amp.
>Like the pool ball experiment the one entered and the other popped out 
>almost instantly, but the average speed was somewhat faster than a fast 
>walk IIRC.  It's quite possible that the original electron never did 
>make it to the other end.


It's true that the individual electrons move rather slowly, but the force
they exert moves at nearly the speed of light. 

73, Bill W6WRT

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