[Amps] Ameritron band switch repair

George at6c at bellsouth.net
Sun Feb 3 17:07:15 EST 2013

A friend bought a used AL 1500 (from about 1999) and when we opened it 
up to install the transformer we noticed that one of the straps from the 
coil to the band switch was not connected to the band switch.  The 
solder that was there was globed up and did not flow out properly.  I 
thought it would be an easy repair to just re-heat the joint and flow 
the solder.  Turned out that the solder would not flow out with the heat 
from a 100w gun.  The excess solder would not melt into the existing 
solder on the band switch or on the strap.  I tried adding a little more 
rosin core solder but still the same problem, no solder flow.  Did 
Ameritron use something besides 60/40 rosin core solder on the band 
switch?  Looks like I will have to remove all the solder down to bare 
metal and clean the lug on the switch in order to re-solder this 
connection.  The strap shouldn't be problem to clean but the lug on the 
band switch is very thin and I hate to work on it too much with a file.

There is a green wire coming out of the input circuit enclosure and it 
looks like it was solder to a lug near the band switch but is now just 
hanging there.  Was this there to ground out the 10M input circuit to 
comply with FCC rules?


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