[Amps] Hammond Manufacturing to take over P.W. Dahl Transformer Line

Karel Ebenstreit kebenstr at bmts.com
Fri Feb 15 17:58:12 EST 2013

This is a great news, especially for me, I live only 100 miles from Guelph.

Hammond Manufacturing was always excellent company making good quality 
I just hope they can make TR on the special order as I am sure they will not 
start with models that do not sell in quantities.

I still am looking for plate transformer for Henry 2K AMP, if someone has 
one, please contact me privately.  Thank you.
Karel, VA3KO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Garland" <4cx250b at miamioh.edu>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 6:27 PM
Subject: [Amps] Hammond Manufacturing to take over P.W. Dahl Transformer 

> Jeff W8CQ called me and asked me to convey the following message to the
> reflector. I'm sure you'll agree that this is very good news!
> Jim W8ZR
> "As with the sadness that I announced that Harbach Electronics, LLC would 
> no
> longer carry the Peter Dahl line of magnetic products, it is with great
> pleasure that I can announce that an agreement in principle has been 
> reached
> with Hammond Manufacturing (Guelph, Ontario, Canada and Cheektowaga, New
> York) to acquire the Peter Dahl line.  Finalization of the acquisition 
> will
> take place over the next few weeks with the transfer to be completed by
> March 31, 2013.  As you all know, Hammond Manufacturing is a leader in the
> transformer design and production industry and they are looking forward to
> carrying on the Peter Dahl legacy!  This is great news indeed for the
> amateur and broadcast communities as well as for me.  I can now spend more
> time developing new products for Harbach Electronics, LLC!  Many thanks to
> everyone for your past support and I look forward to seeing the "Peter 
> Dahl"
> line of transformers and magnetics from Hammond Manufacturing very soon!
> Jeff W8CQ"
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