[Amps] 813 efficiency

Bill Fuqua wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Sat Feb 23 10:32:21 EST 2013

   There are other tubes out there that will do just as well that are quite 
4-125 is one in particular which will do just as well as a 813 but has 
higher frequency response.
They are usually quite cheap on ebay because no one is interested in them. 
I have collected
quite a few myself.
    I have run a pair of 813s myself many years ago and they were great. A 
lot cheaper than
572B/T160 and run a lot cooler since they have much larger plates. I have a 
B&W with a pair
of 813s in it that I will  probably never get around to using. Don't have 
the matching power supply but
do have lots of power supplies around that will work with it. May put it on 
the air when I get some
spare time.

Bill wa4lav

At 10:01 AM 2/23/2013 -0500, Eddy Swynar wrote:
>Hi Guys,
>It absolutely gobsmacks me how some guys in this hobby would rather 
>whip-out the ol' VISA card & spend literally HUNDREDS on power amplifier 
>tubes, when the lowly ol' 813---paired with some twins, of course!---will 
>do the job as well, and at an absolute FRACTION of the price...
>Sure the tube has high interelectrode capacitance, & has been around since 
>before WW2: but so what? It's nothing that a bit of 21st century 
>technology can't master...and who cares about age? After all, I myself am 
>60 years old here, & hardly consider my existence to be "redundant"! Hi Hi
>~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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