[Amps] premade HV rectifier board

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Fri Jul 5 23:29:04 EDT 2013

Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2013 21:59:53 +0100
From: Chris Wilson <chris at chriswilson.tv>
To: Amps <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] premade HV rectifier board

I quite like turret tags, or turret posts, whatever they are called.
Considered old fashioned nowadays, but easy to insert and place and
they allow air flow under and around the rectifiers. I even made a
little steel jig to enable accurate drilling when I make another.


Has anyone seen inside a rectifier "stick"? Are they just normal
rectifier diodes soldered together then epoxy encapsulated?

       Best Regards,
                   Chris Wilson.

##  Open up  a stick... and all they are is typ  1N5408’s  with leads lopped off..and encapsulated.
Some are worse, and use just 1N4007. 
The leads on both 1N5408  and 6A10  diodes  ARE the heatsink for em..so leave em long.  With leads
lopped off,and encapsulated, you can’t get the heat out. 

##  I tested both 5408 and 6A10 diodes...used for bias on a GG amp.... in my test jig on the
bench with variable supply + resistor etc.   The 5408 is good for 1A  CCS..and runs pretty warm.
The 6A10 is good for 2A  CCS, also running pretty warm.  In  FWB or FWD  service, the
diodes are in a  50 % duty cycle mode.  So figure 2A for  5408  and 4A  for  6A10. 

##  diodes boards are easy to make up.  6A10  are the same length body as a 5408.  The 6A10
is double the diameter.   Both the 5408 + 6A10 have the same .050 diam leads.   A 6A10  will drop
right into place...where a 5408 once stood.    

Jim  VE7RF

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